Friday 17 August 2018

2018 July Hampshire

 Hampshire July 2018

Wed June 25th

We left home at 10.40 and got to Three Trees camp site in Romsey. At 2.30.

It was a very hot day and by the time we had set up we were shattered. Had a microwave meal and an early night. Very hot overnight had to leave windows open.

Thurs 26th

It was very hot and humid again. Stayed on site doing nothing except seek shade. Had a short walk round site, there is a small farm shop manned by a man in a caravan in a field with ducks, hens and other assorted birds. Also another field with a lily pond and big building going up.

Shower/toilets very basic.

In the evening we went to Hunters Inn and had a very nice meal.

Fri 27th

Another very sticky night but there were a couple of heavy showers.

A bit overcast when we got up. We drove to Milford on Sea and parked, we could se The Needles on the Isle of Wight quite close, the beach was a bit shingley and Crackers was not very impressed, just mooched about. We stopped for a drink then drove round to Keyhaven a spit  of land that led to Hurst Castle. There were lots of children crabbing off a small bridge and men fishing in the sea. We then drove though the New Fosers where we saw quite a few ponies with folks and through Beaulieu which was crowded and there were donkeys on the pavements with foals. We carried on to Hythe Marina where we parked again and strolled along watching a boat being launched and then sat looking over Southampton Water and had an ice cream. There were three large cruise ships at anchor and ferries crossing. There was a small ferry which was at the end of a long pier which had a sort of train taking passengers out to the boat. It was very hot and sunny again.

Back to site, we tried to sit outside but there were a couple of showers. Later we went to The Hunters Inn for fish and chips.

Sat 28th

Rain overnight, blustery and cloudy in the morning. Wyn and Carol came over on their bikes in the afternoon. It was cooler windy and showery.

In the evening we went to a Chinese restaurant, it was very good but quite expensive.

Sun 29th

It rained all night and all day. We went to Wyn's for R to watch Grande Prix. Called at Aldi in Romsey and pet shop, got Crackers another halter, summer weight! A very wet day but not cold.

Mon 30th

I had arranged to meet Jen for a visit to Historic Portsmouth Shipyard and see the Mary Rose.

Overcast and a bit showery. Rich drove me to Portsmouth park& ride (getting caught up in road works!) went to Historic Naval Dockyard, greeted by HenryV111! 

A fantastic day visiting the Mary Rose and Victory. Wonderful exhibitions, very well presented with so much information. The serif acts off the Mary Rose astonishing. Henry V111 gave a great talk about it. His costume was so authentic looking and he was so much the part. The day turned out quite nice and sunny.

It was so good to have time with Jen, first time in years really .

Very tiring though, Rich picked me up and we went to Hunters Inn for a meal then an early night. 

Tue 31st

A shower this morning but day soon warmed up.

We drove to East Boldre where we'd stayed with motorhome at the Turfcutters Arms, stopped for drink/ice cream then drove to Hatchet Pond where we stopped and had a picnic, it was very pleasant, lots of people about swans and gulls on water and ponies on the shore .Crackers had a paddle and chased sticks into the water.

Back for a lazy afternoon and cooked the first meal of the hol.

We'd Aug 1st

Cold this morning but blue skies, it warmed up and was quite hot. Sat out most of the day, took a walk to pub up the road,M had a drink and back. A very old pub with outside space but quite expensive food.

Thurs 2nd

Another hot day. Drove into Romsey and went to King John's house, dogs not allowed so Rich went back while I looked round. Interesting Medieval to Victorian house. Did a bit of shopping in Aldi then back for lazy afternoon in the sun/shade. I put my foot in a hole and fell over outside toilets, sprained my ankle.

In the evening we went to Amesbury to take Wyn & Carol out for a meal for Wyn's birthday. Carol bandaged my foot.  A nice evening and back as it was getting dark.

Fri 3rd

A cool night but another hot day. We went to Eling Tide Mill, again dog not allowed so I went in while Rich had a coffee, then we walked round the mill pond and reed beds. It was very pleasant, saw a couple of young lads who had been swimming in the, very murky, water. There were many old and interesting oak trees. Called to book fish and chips at Hunters, had a drink then back for a lazy afternoon.

After meal we sat outside for quite a while as it was still very warm.

Sat 4th

Warm again  this morning. My foot swollen and bruised but not too painful.

Went to Stockbridge, we met Karen at the Fighting Cocks pub, very busy lots of families and ponies and donkeys standing about. Had a nice meal and catch up with Karen.

Lazy afternoon sitting in the shade.

Sun 5th

Very hot again, had a quiet day on site.

Mon 6th

Up early and got 0730 ferry to Isle of Wight. Went to Waitrose and got picnic then on to Osborne House which was just opening. I went round the house while Rich walked the dog. After we drove trying to find somewhere to have our picnic but got lost going round and round, in the end we stopped in a layby and of course when we set off again there were one or two really nice spots we could have used. We went to Totland Bay it was a small bay and we managed to park and went for a drink on a nice terrace bar, enjoyed watching a young family having fun. We then went to Yarmouth where again we parked and sat and watched the ferry going out, some people ran  on just as it was ready to go. We then thought we'd get a meal and spent ages looking for a pub, going twice round an industrial park in Ryde before giving up. When we were in Cowes we saw a sign and went down a lane and found The Breeze, it was a very " yachty" looking place but not too pricey. We had to sit outside because of the dog and it was very hot. We watched a chap trying to get into his car as he'd obviously lost his keys, he was about to break the window as we left.

Ferry back as the sun was setting Home by about 9.30. 

Tue 7th

Very hot again, took awning down and packed up, went to Asda where I got a support for my ankle and some bits of food.

After lunch it tried to rain but just a few spots, very close and humid. 

Site fees £300
Fuel          £240
Other       £800
Miles         757

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